Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?

Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?

Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?

Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort? Describe either a good or a bad example of this from your organization or one that you have studied. Describe how the communication affected the various stakeholders affected by the change effort.

Constantine Dapilma

Organizational change is usually a multifaceted and demanding process requiring the commitment and participation of all stakeholders. Communication is the informational component that enhances understanding of the change process and ensures that teams work together. This discussion explains the importance of effective and frequent communication.

Stakeholders drive the change process and should be actively involved throughout the change process. Effective communication ensures that stakeholders understand why the change occurs and how it will affect them (Jankelová & Joniaková, 2021). Frequent communication plays an influential role by reminding stakeholders about their role and importance. It is a strategy of inspiring people affected and influencing the change to continue supporting it and playing their roles as allocated. Neill (2018) found effective and timely communication critical in controlling the inertia or fears associated with change. Minimizing the fears reduces resistance, implying that the change project can be completed within the set timelines.

Example of Good Communication

A suitable example of good communication is communication to all people when driving change. It is a form of systems thinking where all the constituents of an organization are valued, and the change leader ensures that they receive the message. Al-Ghabeesh and Qattom (2019) described such an instance in a study of the impacts of bullying among nurses and preventive measures. Communication was done to bullies and victims to understand the phenomenon and ensure they worked together to mitigate the problem. In this case, effective communication inspired the various stakeholders affected by the change effort to work collaboratively.

In conclusion, communication is the informational component of a change effort. It enhances understanding of the change effort by explaining its reasons and outcomes. Effective and frequent communication is also crucial in controlling fears associated with the change. It is among the strategies that help change leaders overcome stakeholders’ resistance to change.


Al-Ghabeesh, S. H., & Qattom, H. (2019). Workplace bullying and its preventive measures and productivity among emergency department nurses. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research8(1), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4268-x

Jankelová, N., & Joniaková, Z. (2021). Communication skills and transformational leadership style of first-line nurse managers in relation to job satisfaction of nurses and moderators of this relationship. In Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 346). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9030346

Neill, M. S. (2018). Change management communication: Barriers, strategies & messaging. Public Relations Journal12(1), 1-26. https://prjournal.instituteforpr.org/wp-content/uploads/NeillMarlene_ChangeManagement.pdf

Last saved changes Nov 6, 2021



Apryl Thimsen

Posted Date

Nov 10, 2021, 9:00 PM


I believe that everyone can agree that communication is so vital to the success of an organization. If there is no communication and if it is not effective communication then there will be distrust, confusion, and lack of awareness among employees. A bad example that I can give from my organization is a couple of weeks ago we made a huge agency-wide change that resulted in many glitches in our ad campaigns. during this time period as Account Managers, we got the backlash of our members since their campaigns were glitching. We didn’t have the right communication process in place since it was something that was rolled out randomly with no training or previous communication on it. This is a sign of a bad communication example that can affect change efforts.

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For organizations, if a change is happening it is so important to discuss with your team and make sure that everyone is on the same page and ready for that change to occur.


Amy Bartley

Posted Date

Nov 10, 2021, 7:52 AM


Replies to Apryl Thimsen

Effective communication involves both delivering and receiving a message. There are four key pieces to effectively communicating within an organization. They include presenting a clear and detailed message, the receiver listening and asking questions, an appropriate method of delivery, and content that resonates with the beliefs of the team (Heathfield, 2021)

. Having poor communication cab cause confusion, resentment, and failure of the change initiative. One example I have witnessed in my organization was during the pandemic. The hospital was full of patients, the emergency department was holding patients, and we had to bring in travel nurses to help care for the patients. We also lost several nurses to travel nurse jobs, stress, COVID, and retirement. The organization decided to develop an agency/travel group within the company. Several of our staff members saw the posting for these positions and some even received recruiting emails. The pay was triple what many of them were currently making. I immediately pointed out this was causing problems, as we were now making our full-time staff upset. Several full-time nurses requested to transfer to the travel positions. Leadership realized instead of drawing new nurses in we were causing the staff we had to want to take those positions. This did not fix the nursing shortage. Internal candidates were told they were not ellligible for those positions. These nurses were angry and ended up quitting. New nurses did not come for the positions either, because they made more at traditional travel nursing agencies. The poor coomunication of the plan did not help bring relief to our over-worked staff, and caused several to quit. We are still trying to recover from this. The leadership should have communicated the “why”. The goal was to provide relief to our staff working so many extra shifts and save money by reducing the number of travel nurses from outside agencies. Having recruiters email current staff was a huge communication error. Then the way in which internal staff were told these positions were not intended for them was insensitive. The staff felt under-appreciated.